Equipment Criticality Analysis
Relative Risk of a high cost arising from Failure of that Asset.
Criticality analysis is the tool to use to improve reliability and manage plant assets based on risk instead of perception. The asset criticality ranking is used to help prioritize maintenance strategy analysis as well as corrective work. Criticality analysis can also be used to identify the characteristics that make each asset critical by providing valuable information to decide what actions will reduce risk for all plant assets.
Are you experiencing any of these problems?
Criticality not directly used for strategy developments
Plant community not fully aware of criticality
Time consuming and laborious assessments
Inefficient criticality distribution
Documented criticality assessment as baseline for all asset strategies developments.
Balanced distribution of maintenance strategies based on risk profiles.
Establishes solid baseline to gauge trade-off between maintenance coverage and risks
Enables fact-based decision making that supports business mission
Failure Mode and Effective Analysis (FMEA) Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
Address known Failure modes. Improve Reliability. Deliver Performance.
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Mode, Effect, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) are widely accepted methods to determine and document the relevant failures modes of an asset or system. Understanding the modes of failure, the effect they have on the system, and, for a FMECA, the likelihood and criticality of those failure modes, are key to be able to identify areas for reliability improvement and/or assess areas of risk.
Are you experiencing any of these problems?
- Difficulty in identifying the failure modes and mechanisms that compromise performance
- Unclear on what failure modes to target to improve reliability
- Trouble identifying where to target reliability improvement
- No connection between maintenance tasks and the failure modes they are looking to address
Justified maintenance task selection
Documented connection between failure modes and tasks
Determine and address failure modes and risks
Root Couse Analysis (RCA)
Find the root causes. Implement effective solutions. Solve recurring problems.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA), done correctly, identifies cause and effect relationships for a defined problem, event or incident. Effective causal identification is critical to support the generation of effective solutions. The ability to prevent problems from recurring delivers ongoing value through continuous improvement to the organization.
Are you experiencing any of these problems?
- Spending more time reporting problems than solving them
- The solutions you implement don’t appear to work
- You implement the same solutions over and over again
- Problem-solving seems opinion based, not fact-based
Solve recurring problems
Hands on facilitation support
Program audit
Reliability Centered Management (RCM)
A Failure mode based. Effective task identification. Functional maintenance plans.
Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) is a reliability tool that is used to ensure the inherent designed reliability of a process or piece of equipment through the understanding and discovery of equipment functions, functional failures, failure modes and failure effects. RCM uses a structured decision process to determine a task to eliminate, detect, reduce the frequency of occurrence, or reduce the consequence of each specific failure mode. In doing so, the output of the RCM analysis becomes a complete maintenance strategy that is designed to ensure and sustain the inherent designed reliability of the asset.
Are you experiencing any of these problems?
You don’t know why you are performing the current tasks in your maintenance plans
- The connection between maintenance tasks and asset performance isn’t understood
- You are experiencing failures which don’t seem to be addressed
Justified maintenance task selection
Documented connection between failure modes and tasks
Determine and address failure modes and risks
Task Based Maintenance (TBA)
Align to industry standards. Ensure best in class asset care principles.
A Task Based Maintenance (TBM) Analysis provides a rapid review process, using current maintenance plans, coupled with our digital baseline strategy database, OEM recommendations and input from asset experts to identify duplicate or missing tasks and consolidate the plan down to an effective strategy.
Are you experiencing any of these problems?
- Inconsistent strategies across like assets
- Varying degrees of maturity and completeness of maintenance plans
- Asset expertise available but no simple review methodology
- Suspicion that you are over maintaining
Rapid review of current plans
Generate consistent plan